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1. Hu, F., Qiu, X., Wu, X., Wu, X., Li, H., & Kim, S. (2024). Effects of dance sports exercise on vestibular function and balance of children with sensorineural hearing loss; a randomized quasi-experimental trial. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 12, 1426343.(通讯作者,IF=2.1JCR Q2SCIE

2. Li, H., Zhai, X., Yang, Z., Tang, X., Wang, J., & Qiu, X. (2023). Modification and application of sports rehabilitation materials based on conjugated materials. Frontiers in Chemistry, 11, 1294152.IF=3.8JCR Q2SCIE

3. Han Li, Youngsuk Kim, Zhenqian Zhou, Xuan Qiu, Sukwon Kim. (2023). Effects of Cha-cha dance training on physical fitness related indicators of hearing-impaired students: a randomized controlled trials. Bioengineering. IF=4.6JCR Q2SCIE

4. Li, H., Qiu, X., Yang, Z., Zhang, Z., Wang, G., Kim, Y., & Kim, S. (2022). Effects of Cha-Cha Dance Training on the Balance Ability of the Healthy Elderly. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(20), 13535.IF=4.613JCR Q1SSCI/SCI

5. Bairan Li, Han Li, Xuan Tang, Zhe Hu, Chaojie Wu, Youngsuk Kim,* Sukwon Kim,*.(2023).Effect of slope change on kinematics of amateur golfer's full swing. Technology and Health Care.(第一作者IF=1.205JCR Q3SCIE

6. Xiaolin Li. Yan Xiong. Zhenqian Zhou. Ming Zeng. Han Li. Chunxia Lu. Weixin Dong. . (2023). Loneliness status and influencing factors among rural left-behind children in China: a cross-sectional study. Social Behavior and Personality. IF=1.8JCR Q4SSCI

7. Yan Xiong, Xiaolin Li, Han Li, Caiwen Qu, Mengying Liu, Chunxia Lu,* Weixin Dong,*.(2023). A meta-analysis of loneliness among left-behind children in China. Current Psychology. IF=2.8JCR Q3SCI

8. Yang, Z., Li, B., Li, H., & Guan, L. (2022). Isokinetic muscle strength characteristics of lower limb joints in long jumpers. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte, 29. IF=0.652JCR Q4SCIE

9. Yang, Z. T., Kim, S. W., Kim, Y. S., Tang, X., Li, H., & Wang, E. L. (2023). Influence of 12 weeks of basketball training on college students’ heart function. European Review for Medical & Pharmacological Sciences, 27(14).IF=3.3JCR Q3SCIE

10. 李晗,邱璇.“健康中国”背景下听障青少年体能训练促进体质健康路径研[J].青少年体育,2023,(06):69-70.






1. 2024年全国运动增强体质与健康学术会议主题报告,《拉丁舞训练对感音神经性听力损失儿童前庭功能与平衡能力改善效果的研究》,第一作者。

2. 2023年全国高校体育与艺术交叉融合发展科报会主题报告,《国标舞剧创作叙事的三维解读—以〈海河红帆〉为例》,第一作者,一等奖。

3. 2023年第13届全国体育科学大会墙报交流《恰恰舞训练对听障学生体质健康相关指标的影响》,第一作者。

4. 2022年第35届韩国运动生物力学大会墙报交流Effects of Cha-cha Dance Training on the Balance Ability of the Healthy Elderly》,第一作者。


1. 2017年度中国大学生体育舞蹈锦标赛总决赛获221铜。

2. 2018年度中国大学生体育舞蹈锦标赛总决赛获422铜。

3. 2019年度中国大学生体育舞蹈锦标赛总决赛获623铜,并获优秀教练员称号。

上一条:蔡维敏 下一条:杨继星

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